Hard Times

60,98 TL
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60,98 TL + KDV
The shortest of Dickens' novels, Hard Times, was also, until quite recently, the least regarded of them. The comedy is savagely and scornfully sardonic, to the virtual exclusion of the humour - that delighted apprehension of and rejoicing in idiosyncrasy and absurdity for their own sakes, which often cuts right across moral considerations and which we normally take for granted in Dickens. Then, too, the novel is curiously skeletal. There are four separate plots, or at least four separate centres of interest: the re-education through suffering of Mr. Gradgrind, the exposure of Bounderby, the life and death of Stephen Blackpool, and the story of Sissy Jupe.
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Hard Times Yumurcak Shop, Ayfa Kalem Kuran, Hayrat Kalem Kuran, Akser Kalem Kuran, Alim çocuk, Mürşit 5 vb ürünlerin satışını yapar. 4_9786057995629
Hard Times

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